Правила Кастинга



I Tournaments

II Events

III Rules

IV Participation rules

V Amateur definition

VI Rules for Individual, Combinations and Teams scoring

VII Rules for Team competition

VIII Determining the Winners

IX Determining the Winners of the Teams

X Evaluation of the separate Events

XI Number of Winners

XII Titles

XIII Hail the Winners

XIV Official Record Cast

XV General Rules for Spinning and Multiplier Events

1 Casting techniques
2 Illegal cast (casts that scores zero)
3 Broken or faulty tackle
4 Determining result

XVI General Rules for Fly-Casting Events

1 General
2 Illegal cast (casts that scores zero)
3 Broken or faulty tackle
4 Determining result

XVII Deviations Plugs & Lines

XVIII Other Rules

1 Conduct of the caster
2 Conduct of the judges
3 Conduct of trainers and followers

XIX The Jury

XX Protests

XXI Tournament administration

XXII Groups and group leaders

XXIII Other responsibilities of the arranging organisation

1 Starting booklets
2 Insurance

XXIV Starting fees

XXV Changing the nationality of the caster

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